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New television series


Royal Collection Trust and the BBC have formed a unique partnership to mark the anniversary of the Hanoverian succession.

A three-part television series The First Georgians: The German Kings Who Made Britain, presented by Dr Lucy Worsley, will be broadcast from 1 May on BBC Four. Drawing on objects from the exhibition and the expertise of Royal Collection Trust curators, it tells the story of how this unlikely new dynasty kept the throne and how life at court overlapped with the enormous changes that were reshaping Britain.

The partnership with the BBC extends to the exhibition events programme.

On 23 May, The Queen's Gallery will host a panel discussion about the making of the exhibition and television series. The speakers include Desmond Shawe-Taylor, Surveyor of The Queen's Pictures and chief curator of the exhibition, Sebastian Barfield, the series producer, Dr Andrew Thompson, the historical consultant for the series, and Lucy Worsley.

Three short films in which Desmond Shawe-Taylor introduces themes from the exhibition have been produced by the BBC for Royal Collection Trust and can be viewed here:

  • Warrior Kings
  • The Enlightened Queen
  • A King's Ransom