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Terminology and Description

The usual profile of a frame projects outwards from the picture, creating the illusion of a window framing the scene depicted in the picture, while a reverse-section projects the picture out and reduces shadows cast onto the picture.

The areas of the frame that are most commonly described are the sight, scoop, knull and back edge. The sight refers to inside edge of the frame. The scoop is the hollow area on the front of the frame. If the scoop is ornamented and does not have a concave profile it is also be referred to as the 'panel'. The knull is the top edge of the frame, and the back edge is as the name implies.

Every frame is described in the same format; from the sight to back edge, with each style of ornament individually stated. While the exact pattern of ornament may not be identical for every frame of the same style the general description should be applicable to most frames.