1 of 253523 objects
James Stephanoff (1789-1874)
The Old Drawing Room, Kensington Palace, also known as the Queen's Private Dining Room.
RCIN 922153

James Stephanoff (1789-1874)
The Old Drawing Room, Kensington Palace, also known as the Queen's Private Dining Room

James Stephanoff (1789-1874)
The Old Drawing Room, Kensington Palace, also known as the Queen's Private Dining Room

This watercolour was made in preparation for Pyne's Royal Residences of 1819; most of the paintings in this interior can be identified from the text of that publication and the 1818 inventory of Kensington Palace.
Moving clockwise they are: Henry VI over the door (RCIN 403442); two of the Trinity Panels (403260), framing 8 works, in the centre a large Henry VIII (404438) over Raphael's self-portrait (405760), flanked by three pairs, across the top Prince Arthur (403444, believed to be Henry VII) and Elizabeth of York (403447); in the middle Philip the Good (403440) and Margaret of Austria (403428); across the bottom Richard III (403436) and Edward VI (403452). Over the door on the facing wall is Henry IV (402737); the large painting on this wall is the Calling of St Matthew (405788), which is surrounded by 9 small portraits, clockwise from bottom left they are: an unidentified Man (402741); Philip the Fair (403438); Christina of Denmark (403449); Ferdinand (403448) and Isabella (403445, separated by a Charles VIII of France no longer in the collection), Charles V (403439), Louis XII (403431) and another unknown Man (405689). The large painting on the right hand wall (over a group of three over the mantle) is Salviati's Virgin and Child (405778). -
Other number(s)
RL 22153