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Innocent IV c.1560-1570

Engraving. Cassiano Type A mount | 17.0 x 11.5 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 809501

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  • An engraving of Innocent IV: a bust length portrait in profile right, with the papal tiara. The portrait is within an oval frame with Latin inscription: "DOMINE VI AS VITÆ. NOTAS FAC MIHI"; below: "INNOCENTIVS PAPA .IIII." Innocent IV was Pope from 1243 and 1254. The print is one of a series; for another see RCIN 809504. It is possible that production details have been trimmed from the bottom of this impression.

    The print formed part of an album of portrait prints assembled by Cassiano dal Pozzo in Rome and described in an early nineteenth-century inventory of prints in George III's library as Portraits of Popes and Cardinals. The album was arranged hierarchically from popes to cardinals and thence on to archbishops and bishops, and within each category chronologically (starting from St Peter, according to tradition the first pope). The album was dismantled later in the nineteenth century and the prints that were retained were integrated with others in the collection.

    For more information see Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. I: Ceremonies, Costumes, Portraits and Genre, 3 vols, Royal Collection Trust 2017, part of The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo: A Catalogue Raisonné, cat. no. 1130.


    From the collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588-22 October 1657); inherited by his brother, Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo (1606-1689); sold by Carlo Antonio's grandson to Clement XI, 1703; acquired by Cardinal Alessandro Albani by 1714, from whom purchased by George III in 1762

  • Medium and techniques

    Engraving. Cassiano Type A mount


    17.0 x 11.5 cm (sheet of paper)

  • Object type(s)
  • Alternative title(s)

    Innocentius Papa IIII