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Gijsbert van Veen (Leiden 1562-Antwerp 1628)

Henri IV on horseback before a castle c.1600-1647

Engraving | 39.0 x 26.4 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 616691

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  • An engraving of Henri IV, King of France and Navarre. Whole length equestrian figure, with short hair, beard, closed ruff, and armour. The King is pictured on horseback with weapons, shields, and banners underfoot, and shown holding a baton in his right hand and the reins in his left, with a view of a walled city and a tower in the background. With French inscription below. This is the third state of the print.

    This print published in an earlier state in c.1600 by Paul de LaHouve, the son in law of Antonie Caron, after whose designs the print was engraved by Gijsbert van Veen. In this, its third state, the plate was published by Hendrik Hondius I, who often purchased and re-issued older plates in the mid-seventeenth century.

    This print is lettered at the lower centre: "Anthonius Caron inuentor."; along the bottom: "Voicy le Preux HENRY, Ce monarque francois ce guerrier porte fouldre: ... // … et ses subiectz conquis."; in the lower left: "Gisbertus Vaenius / sculpsit."; at the lower right: "Auec priuil: du Roy / Hh excudit."

    This print formed part of an album of French royal portrait prints assembled by Cassiano dal Pozzo in Rome and described in an early nineteenth-century inventory of prints in George III's library as Kings of France, Queens and other illustrious Personages. The album was arranged chronologically, with kings and their consorts together, while the latter part of the album was devoted to the female aristocracy of France. It was dismantled later in the nineteenth century and its prints incorporated into the series of Engraved Royal Portraits (organised dynastically).

    For more information see Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. I: Ceremonies, Costumes, Portraits and Genre, 3 vols, Royal Collection Trust 2017, part of The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo: A Catalogue Raisonné, cat. no. 1241.

    From the collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588-22 October 1657); inherited by his brother, Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo (1606-1689); sold by Carlo Antonio's grandson to Clement XI, 1703; acquired by Cardinal Alessandro Albani by 1714, from whom purchased by George III in 1762

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    39.0 x 26.4 cm (sheet of paper)

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